Example elevation files

Tile Design Online can use several different types of topography files. Download one of the example files below and start designing right away! Use your own topography files that are similar to one of these formats.

  • XYZ text file
  • This is a plain text file with coordinates arranged in columns and separated by spaces. The coordinates are latitudes and longitudes (EPSG 4326). Latitude is in column 1, longitude is in column 2, and elevation (meters) is in column 3. Based upon the location, reprojecting to UTM zone 14N (EPSG 3158) is recommended.

  • NEZ text file
  • This is another plain text file in NEZ format. The coordinates are northings and eastings (feet) in the Michigan South state plane (EPSG 2253). Northings are in column 2, eastings are in column 3, and elevation is in column 4.

  • CSV text file
  • This is a CSV file created using the Survey page. Leave the Elevation field blank. The coordinates are latitudes and longitudes (EPSG 4326). Based upon the location, reprojecting to the Michigan South state plane (EPSG 2253) is recommended.

  • LAS example file
  • This is an uncompressed lidar file. Ground points have classification 2. Coordinates (feet) are in the Michigan South state plane (EPSG 2253). Based upon the large number of points collected, sampling every 50th point is recommended in order to process the file in a reasonable time.

  • LAZ example file
  • This is a compressed lidar file. Ground points have classification 2. Coordinates (meters) are in UTM zone 16N (EPSG 3160). Based upon the large number of points collected, sampling every 20th point is recommended in order to process the file in a reasonable time.

  • shapefile example
  • This is a point shapefile with the component files compressed into a ZIP archive. Elevation values are identified with an attribute of "Elevation". Coordinates (meters) are in UTM zone 14N (EPSG 3158).

  • georaster example
  • This is a GeoTIFF digital elevation model. Coordinates (feet) are in the Michigan South state plane (EPSG 2253).


  1. Click on one of the links above to download that example to your local computer.
  2. Navigate to the Start page.
  3. Click the Choose File button and select the example file you just downloaded.
  4. Leave the values in the text boxes unchanged. They will automatically fill in for the example file you chose.
  5. Click the Start Design button at the bottom of the page.

Please be patient while your file is processed. Depending on the file size, a map should appear in about 15 seconds to a few minutes.

Example tile parameter sets

Tile parameter sets allow you to create a group of parameters that is best suited to a particular use. Download these examples or edit the files to create your own custom parameter sets.


  1. Click the Choose File button at the bottom of the Design page.
  2. Choose the parameter set file that you want to use.
  3. Click the Open button.